Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another summer is gone

Well we had an amazing summer, the heat was a bit much and for the most part it was sunny about 98% of the time. We went to camp for holidays and it was so nice to get away from the phone, tv, email & work. Our time at camp was filled with activity and I got to read a few books...always a good thing! We have had a busy summer. We bought the boys kayaks and they love them. We went tubing, walking/hiking/, biking, fishing, boating, tubing, swimming....all the things summer should consist of. Now it's time for back to school, Tuesday is their first day of Grade 1, so exciting!

Monday, June 18, 2012

June's accomplishments

It's a month of graduations, my daughter graduated proud of her, and the twins are graduating Kindergarten tonight, their journey is just beginning. Father's day was yesterday, the boys made things at school for their dad and for my father I will be taking him for a round a golf this week. I'm enjoying my new nursing job and life is good. I have a feeling summer is going to go by very quickly...last day of school is June today and tomorrow are my last 2 days of peace on my days off. I'm trying to savor the moment. This month was relay for life, an event that I have participated in for 3yrs...this year our community raised $100,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society...Amazing! Also this year my daughter joined a group and helped to raise money, very proud that her and her friends did this.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Well Easter is on it's way.....Today has been busy....first we did Easter Egg Coloring, then we played outside...then we went to the Vernon Trails for a bike ride and then to the park for a play....whew...and the weekend is just beginning. So here are some pics from our day!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Blog Hop

The blog hop is new to me....but I follow "Holly's House not a perfect mom's blog"
so click on the button for the details.

The Things We Find Inside

Sunday, March 18, 2012

ahhhhh spring!

Two more days and it's officially spring, not that that means much in this neck of the woods...spring comes when it wants to, and usually teases us first before arriving. This weekend we had temps of +20 it's been amazingly warm! We went to camp to do ice, we cut ice from the lake to last for the summer, it's stored in a ice house, unfortunately I didn't take any pics of the ice house this year. It was a great weekend and we got to spend time with family and the boys got to see some of their cousins.

We came back from camp yesterday, today the boys are outside playing with the neighbors kids and from all the yelling I assume they are having fun in the backyard. I cleaned the deck, the van, raked the front yard and sprinkled grass seed, purged the hats and mitts and now I'm going to fold laundry from camp. I'm so happy to see the backside of winter although mother nature usually gives us a pile of snow after it's all melted away, so the ski pants and winter clothing will have to stay out a little longer.

Erik breaking up a block of ice

Matthew pulling a block of ice

Going for a snowmachine ride on a cheetah circa 1970!